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Omaha, NE 


If you're interested in bringing a guest to the FAC, please notify FAC Board member to discuss next steps.

All members are welcome to bring partners, and clients (as guests) to FAC events anytime. Be sure that these guests meet our rules though. See rules #2 and #3 regarding membership definitions. Also, rule #12a regarding our guest policy. Link to the rules: https://omahafac.wildapricot.org/Rules

Examples of guests that do NOT fit our requirements include vendors that focus on residential design & construction, or organizations that are selling consumer-focused services like insurance agents.

Also, the guest policy is for two events (LIFETIME) per person. You cannot keep coming as a guest as long as members invite you. I repeat -- interested parties may attend a maximum of two events in their lifetime as a guest. Members: Be sure to ask your prospective guests if they know about FAC. If they have attended as a guest or been a member before, they are NOT a fit for a guest invitation.

Misbehaving members will be contacted by our Enforcer (Dan Dennell) and given a committee position with responsibility. Repeat violators will lose their membership in the group. Act accordingly.

If you have any questions, please reach out to a Board member.  Thank you.

The FAC Board



Contact Us

Mel Scaturro, Omaha FAC Boss

Email: mel.scaturro@royaltyroofing.org

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